2020 Proceedings Table of Content
Full conference e-book can be found here RAPDASA 2020 Conference Proceedings eBook
All peer reviewed and accepted papers are found below – please cite as
Proceedings of the 21st Annual International RAPDASA Conference.
1 Designing a Ceramic Particulate Composites to Enhance Selected Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V. M. Seleso, M. Maringa and W.B. du Preez 41 – 55
2 Characterisation of DMLS manufactured Ti6Al4V porous structures for biomedical applications. K. Raselabe, P. Mendonidis and N. Baloyi 56 – 62
3 Copper ultrafine powders by sonoelectrochemical method for additive manufacturing. V.N. Shut, S. Ye Mozzharov, I. Yadroitsava and I. Yadroitsev 63 – 70
4 A review of possible sand reclamation methods for additive manufacturing processes. A.T. Motlhabane, M.A. Matjila and T.P. Thaba 71 – 79
5 Additive manufacturing case study in the railway industry. S.E. Hoosain, L. Tshabalala and D. Bester 80 – 86
6 Application of machine learning models for powder bed defect analysis. F. Du Rand, P.J.M. van Tonder and A.F. van der Merwe 87 – 96
7 Towards a standard procedure for the qualification of metal laser powder bed fusion equipment in the aerospace industry using functional models. D.W. Gibbons and A.F. van der Merwe 97 – 106
8 Surface roughness and tensile properties of copper-carbon-polyamide composite by selective laser sintering. W.K.C. Wolf, I. Yadroitsava and I. Yadroitsau 107 – 118
9 Effects of process parameters on the mechanical properties of fused deposition modelling of polymeric composites: A review. M. Mokhali, M. Maringa and J. Nsengimana 119 – 129
10 Laser parameter effects on surface quality of additive manufactured components. S.E. Hoosain and L. Tshabalala 130 – 141
11 Feasibility of using a handheld scanner for providing lower cost 3D imaging for maxillofacial prosthetics. G.M. Barnard and J.G. van der Walt 142 -159
12 Characterization of titanium-aluminide alloys fabricated using Laser Engineered Net Shaping. S.N. Motha, N. Maledi and M. Tlotleng 160 – 171
13 Conductive 3D printed material used for medical electrodes. R. Stopforth 172 – 179
14 Justification for high velocity impact testing using as built and stress relieved DMLS Ti6AL4V (ELI) based on results for wrought Ti6AL4V. T.C. Moleko, M. Maringa and W.B. du Preez 180 – 192